10 Single failures view

Assess single failures to components.

In the “Single failures” view you can assess all vulnerabilities that affect a single node. This offers similar functionality as the vulnerability assessment window in the diagram workspace, but shows the assessment of more than one node.

10.1 Service tabs

Like Diagrams view, Single failures view is divided into to tabs, one for each service. You can add, remove, rename and reorder services in the same way as in the Diagrams view.:

10.2 Vulnerability assessment

Each node or node class in the selected service is shown using a collapsible header. The marker Incomplete appears when any one vulnerability assessment for that node or node class has not been completed. An assessment is complete when both the frequency and impact are set to a value other than “–”. Open or close the vulnerability assessment by clicking the header. The buttons Collapse all and Expand all on the Home toolbar will open or close all vulnerability assessments at once.

When a header is expanded (opened), the full vulnerability assessment of that node becomes visible. This works in the same way as in the vulnerability assessment window in Diagrams view.