
Raster software
Two free software tools are available. The first tool is a standalone programme for MacOS or Windows to edit Raster project files that are stored on a local drive or network drive. The second tool is web based. It must be installed on an intranet server, and enables shared editing of projects using a web browser over the office LAN. For both tools a project contains the complete risk evaluation for an organisation. Typically, a project consists of multiple telecommunication services. With minor differences both applications work in the same way.

What's new?
Version 4.0 has been released! This is our largest update ever, that has been long in preparation. The most important improvements:

  • undo (and redo) on all actions,
  • natural and malicious vulnerabilities for better assessment of cyber security,
  • much improved online collaboration using the intranet tool,
  • an entire visual refresh of the interface,
  • and many other changes and improvements.

Standalone tool

The Raster tool is available for MacOS and Windows, in a Dutch and English language version.

MacOS, version 4.0.1 Nederlands English
Apple silicon (M1/M2):
Intel processor:

To install the programma on a Mac: open the disk image, then follow the on-screen instructions.

Windows 64-bit, version 4.0.1 Nederlands English
Guided installation:
ZIP file:

There are two ways te install the program on Windows. It is strongly recommended to use the Guided installation. As this requires administrator rights, the guided installation is not always possible. Use the manual installation to unzip the Raster ZIP file onto your local computer; no administrator rights are necessary. After manual installation it is necessary to associate Raster project files with the Raster application. To do so, right-click on a project file and choose "Open with" from the menu. Navigate to the folder into which the Raster files were unpacked.

Intranet version

To install the intranet version you need a web server that supports PHP. The intranet version is also available from this website.

Intranet, version 4.0.1
tar.gz file:

Place all files in a folder that is accessible to the web server. The web server only requires read permission on all files; the folder 'public_group/SharedProjects' requires write permissions.

To provide a protected environment for projects, duplicate the folder 'public_group' under a new name, with controlled access permissions. An example '.htaccess' file is provided to that purpose. See the manual for your web server for more information.

The application is now available via the URL http://yourwebserver/path/. Protected environments are available via http://yourwebserver/path/YOURGROUPNAME/. The use of https is recommended.

Source code

The full Raster source code is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, and can be obtained from https://github.com/EelcoV/RasterTool. GitHub always contains the most up-to-date version of the Raster tools with the most recent modifications. These beta versions can contain changes that have not been tested extensively.